Monthly Musings - May 2024 - Getting Ready for Summer/Memorial Day

May 29, 2024


Hi friends.  I can't believe it's already the end of May and we'll be going into June in just a few days.   I'm joining Holly and Patty for their Monthly Musings link-up.  The topic for this month is Getting Ready for Summer/Memorial Day.


1.  What are you looking forward to this summer?  I'm looking forward to the warm weather and wearing shorts, t-shirts, and sandals.  I love grilling season and having bbqs.  I can't wait to go to the beach on the weekends.

2.  Favorite summer traditions?  We like going to Carvel for ice cream, and my daughter will make us fun summer drinks like an Aperol Spritz.

3.  Favorite summer recipe?  Please share!  We love grilled salmon and using fresh basil to make pesto sauce.

4.  Summer vacation plans?  We can't wait to take our vacation to the Jersey Shore.  This year we are renting a house a block away from the beach.  I can't wait to go to the beach every day.  It's always a fun and relaxing vacation.

5.  Cole slaw or potato salad?  Recipe to share?  I love both salads and my favorite is German potato salad.  

6.  Favorite ice cream or frozen treat?  I love a mint chocolate chip ice cream cone.  I also like vanilla and chocolate frozen yogurt in a cup or cone.

7.  Favorite summer beverage?  I love iced coffee and iced tea.

8.  Beach, lake or mountain?  It's the beach hands down!

9.  Best ways to beat the heat in the summer?  I like staying inside with the air conditioner on.  I like sitting in the yard in the shade and drinking an ice-cold drink.  I also like going to the movies and clothes shopping.

10.  Favorite sunscreen?  I like Neutrogena and Alba suntan lotion.  I usually buy our suntan lotion at Costco because they always have great deals. 

I hope you all enjoy the summer!

You can play along and answer the questions in the comments section.


Click HERE to see the blog parties I will be linking up to.



  1. I love all your answers especially going to the beach. Nothing like walking on the beach and hearing the sound of the waves. Hope your Memorial Day was great and you enjoyed a bbq. Have a great week. Hugs. Kris

  2. I also love all of your answers! I'm excited for your beach vacation! I am looking forward to a lot of that as well!! That salmon looks amazing! We grilled some for Memorial Day and it was good too! Thanks for sharing Julie!

  3. I’m going to the beach soon with my whole family, Julie. It’s so funny that you mentioned Carvel. I shared a memory with Connor, my oldest grandchild, just the other day about taking him to Carvel when he was little and he remembered all the sprinkles they had. Sadly, Carvel closed their locations and didn’t stay around here for long. Happy Summer to you!

  4. Those are all my favorite ways to keep cool in the summer heat too! My mom just reminded me that we have to plan our annual July shopping trip for the summer and I can't wait.

    1. Joanne, how fun to have annual July shopping trip with your mom. Shopping is fun and a great way to stay cool in the summer.

  5. The beach sounds wonderful! I also love mint chocolate chip ice cream.

  6. I am sooo with you on the beach Julie- yes please- all the time! :)

  7. What part of the shore do you like to go to? I grew up in NJ and have spent quite a lot of time at the shore. Your homemade pesto looks good. I hope to make some this summer too. Have a nice week!

  8. I'm with you, weather, beach days, German potato salad and Carvel!! Yum!! Here comes June!!

  9. Sounds perfect. What is your favorite Jersey shore beach?

  10. I love an Aperol spritz too! I had my first of the season last week during our graduation dinner. Thanks for joining us for Monthly Musings!


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