Hawaii Vacation - Part 1

August 23, 2016

Hello friends.  We recently took a family vacation to Hawaii and I'd love to share with you some photos I took of the trip.

We took a long plane ride of 10 hours to get to Honolulu, Hawaii.  Even though the plane ride was long, it didn't seem so bad as I slept and read a lot.  We arrived at the airport in the early afternoon  and were each given a lei and then brought to our hotel to be checked in.  Lucky for us Hawaii is 6 hours behind us.

We stayed for 4 days at the Hilton Hawaiian Village in the Rainbow Tower.

This is the view we had from our hotel room that overlooked the pool and beach.

This was our dinner the first evening that we arrived among many more delicious meals.  A tropical drink, a fish burger and fries, vegetarian pasta, calamari, assorted poke (a fish salad), and for me a veggie burger and fries.

Assorted surf and paddle boards available to rent.

The beach during the day and the same beach at sunset.

The next day for breakfast my husband had a healthy smoothie drink (on the left), I had oatmeal (located on the top right) and my teen had an acai fruit smoothie bowl. Yum!

We arranged for a tour to see Pearl Harbor the next day.  We took a bus, with other people, that gave us a tour of Honolulu, Hawaii State Capital Building, Iolani Palace, Washington Place, and Punchbowl National Cemetery.  At the Pearl Harbor Visitor Center, we saw a movie of the attack, and took a short boat ride to see the USS Arizona Memorial.

I would recommend to everyone to see this tour and a must see while there in Hawaii vacationing.

**  There are also no handbags, or backpacks allowed on the site due to security reasons.

Below is a pool on top of one of the hotels on the complex that we were able to enjoy.  On the other side of the pool was a small jacuzzi that I able to relax in and meet a nice Australian couple who were on vacation there too.

Many people paddle boarding in the small lagoon.

The white sandy beach was so beautiful and the water so warm and inviting to swim in.  I really loved how the water had so many pretty shades of blue and we saw many tiny fish swimming by in the water.

We were also able to see the crew filming the TV show Hawaii Five-O on the beach right by the lagoon!  

I am finally over my jet lag and feeling back to normal, which took us about a week to get over!  

I hope you enjoyed seeing my first part of our Hawaii vacation.  Stay tuned for more to come on our trip.

Click HERE to see the great parties I will be linking up to!

Thanks everyone and enjoy!



  1. Sounds so amazing and relaxing!! I love your photos. The tour of Pearl Harbor sounds really interesting. Can't wait for more of your trip! I want that acai bowl!!

  2. You had a fantastic holiday Julie! Thank you for sharing your experience and beautiful pictures!

  3. What a lovely trip...looking forward to seeing more pictures. Some friends of ours did the Pearl Harbor tour and they said it was very moving.

  4. I came over hoping to hear about the trip. It's such an awesome vacation destination and one I really want to see someday too. I love the view you had from your hotel!

  5. Oh, I love Hawaii. We go there every other year. Your photos are lovely.
    We have seen Pearl harbor yet. One day, we shall go to that island and explore. We usually go to Kauai. Thanks for your visit and don't forget about the Recipes Generator if you share recipes. have a good week.

  6. That sounds like a dream vacation! it's just beautiful every direction you look! Enjoy your week and looking through your photos! Hugs, Diane

  7. Everything looks so beautiful! Isn't the Pearl Harbor memorial amazing? I am glad you are getting over your jet lag!

  8. OH I love your Hawaii photos! I'm getting hungry with all the food pics you posted on here. Glad you're over jet lag I'm still jet lagging, lol! Can't wait for the next post.

  9. What a beautiful spot you chose for your family vacation, Julie! I leave in 9 days for my trip! Woohoo!!!!! I look forward to seeing more picture of your vacation.

  10. I love Hawaii and I am so glad that you and your family had a great time. I did all the things you talked about in this post. I only got to see Tom Selleck film the series he was in, which took place in Hawaii. Maybe it was Magimum P.I. I'm not for sure.

    Looking forward to the next installment.

    Glad your over jet lag.


  11. That look's wonderful! Beautiful pictures, amazing stories!
    Looking forward to the next episode ;-)
    Have a nice day,

  12. So glad you got to take this trip Julie. It seems you really enjoyed yourselves. Hawaii is such a lovely destination with beautiful scenery and friendly people!

  13. Thanks for the beautiful photos! Looks like a wonderful vacation ♥


  14. Julie what a great trip. We went to Hawaii a couple of years ago and it is heaven there. So happy you got this wonderful vacation to enjoy. I am not a big fan of long plane rides but it took us 9 hours from Chicago to get there and I agree it was not that bad. It was comfy to sleep and read on the plane for me too. Glad you had a great time.

  15. How exciting to go to Hawaii! Glad your trip was fun and safe! Ten hours is a long time on a plane but I think I can assume it was worth it!!

  16. Hi Julie, looks like a wonderful time! I love Hawaii - we stayed in the hotel across the lagoon last time we were there :) The food is so fresh and delicious. So glad you were able to 'get away'. xo Karen

  17. 10 hours? That is a long way, but it looks like it was so worth it!! :)

  18. Oh I love Hawaii! I have stayed in that hotel too, I liked the birds they had! A long plane flight for you, for us west coasters it's only about a 5-6 hours flight (depending on tailwinds and which direction you are flying!) can't wait to hear about the rest of your trip!

  19. So glad you had a great vacation! I feel like I'm back in Honolulu, seeing your beautiful pictures!

  20. Julie,
    How lovely!! The plane ride would kill me.....Thanks so much for all your visits and kind words!!

  21. What a lovely read, I have been watching season 5 of Hawaii 5 0 at the moment and admire the scenery and beautiful weather.

    The hotel looks wonderful and such yummy breakfast too.

    Angela - Garden Tea cakes and Me


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