Potato Frittata Recipe

January 9, 2015

Need a new idea for breakfast or lunch?  Well I have the perfect recipe for you that is delicious, healthy, and easy to make.

I have this during the week for lunch and it's a great way to fill you up and you can add as many different vegetables as you like.


SERVING SIZE: 2-3 people


olive oil - to coat pan
1 potato - peeled and cut into small cubes
5 eggs
splash of milk
1 tablespoon grated cheese
pepper to taste


Peel and cut potato into small cubes.  Add to heated frying pan olive oil, potato and sauté until cooked through.  Once potato is cooked through, whisk together eggs, milk, cheese, pepper and pour into pan and cook until eggs are solid about 10 minutes.  Done.  

You can serve this with toast or with a salad on the side.  Enjoy! 

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Ways to Follow Julie's Lifestyle

Thanks everyone and Enjoy!



  1. We have eggs to use up, so I was planning a frittata for lunch one day this weekend! I love to use all sorts in them, I am planning potato, chorizo and a little goats cheese for this one. As you say, great to include all kinds of things in them! Hope you enjoyed yours. xx

  2. My dad used to make this for dinner sometimes when I was little. He called it potatoes and eggs! I make it sometimes now, throw a little broccoli in and maybe cheese. Yum...great for a chilly day, like today! :)

  3. This looks yummy. :-) I should give it a try.

  4. Come to think of it - I have never made potato frittata :)
    Thanks for sharing! I would love to try it!

  5. Such a fancy name for something that sounds so simple really. I'll have to try it. Looks delicious! Thanks for sharing the recipe.
    xx Beca

  6. Sounds yummy Julie I love frittata. :)

  7. I don't think I've ever had something like this.... it looks and sounds very good :) Thanks for sharing, my friend. Happy weekend!

  8. Ooo, I'm gonna try this! Thanks for joining us at the #HomeMattersParty! We hope to see you again next week :) 

  9. I saw this post and thought this has got to be a recipe for my veggie daughter and it is. Thanks so much for sharing this I'm always on the look out for new recipes to try out on her. Have a lovely weekend.
    Ali xx

  10. I made a spinach frittata just recently. Never made one before; frittatas are so versatile, and so many variations, like your yummy-sounding one. Warm comfort foods are key during this cold weather!!

  11. This looks delicious Julie! I have never made a frittata before. I will pin this recipe and try it sometime soon! Thanks for sharing and have a wonderful weekend.

    Hugs, Vicky

  12. I love frittatas Julie! They're so versatile. Breakfast, lunch or even dinner. Cold, room temp, or hot, and they're easy to make too! Thanks for a new recipe!

  13. I didn't know frittatas were so easy to make. I want to try one at home now too!

  14. I had my first frittata at my brother's house a couple of months ago. Sooo yummy. This one sounds great with the potatoes!!! Thanks for sharing the recipe.

  15. Oh yes, we have done similar things and they are a simple and yet very tasty way to put a spin on the regular eggs and potatoes :) and not have it to be a Tortilla Española.

  16. They are delicious! I usually add peppers too to give it some colour and they are great for a quick lunch. Have a wonderful Sunday my friend xx

  17. Happy New Year, Julie!

    Your potato frittata looks absolutely scrumptious! My husband makes something very similar, also delicious! Thanks for sharing.

    Have a wonderful week!


  18. Julie,
    Good Morning!! and Happy New Year to you!!

    Thanks so much for stopping by!!


  19. Oh man, I may have just drooled! YUMMY!

    Thanks for joining the Link Up this week!

  20. This looks tasty Julie, I am trying to eat more eggs :)

    Thanks for linking up to Creative Mondays

  21. This is something new for me and I do believe I will be trying it. I can see how you could do just about anything with this to suit your taste buds.

    Thank you for sharing with us.

    Have a beautiful day.

  22. Now this recipe would be right up my husbands alley as it has both potatoes and eggs! Thank you for sharing this on the Art of Home-Making Mondays! Will be trying it soon! :)

  23. Yummy! My husband would love this. Pinning. Thanks for sharing on Merry Monday!

  24. Hi Julie,
    Your Potato Frittata looks delicious.Thanks so much for sharing this awesome post with Full Plate Thursday and come back soon!
    Miz Helen

  25. Looks great! My eldest daughter is going through a stage where she turns her nose up at absolutely everything so I might give this a try and see what she thinks. Anything that will get her to eat something other than bread and biscuits!

  26. Thank you so much for attending week 16 of #PureBlogLove and linking your fantastic blog post, I can't wait to see what you have in store for our next party, Thursday 8 PM EST- Sundays at midnight. Your post has been added to the #PureBlogLove Pinterest board for all to see :) Have a great day!

  27. Sounds very tasty Julie -Thanks for linking up to Pin Worthy Wednesday, I have pinned your post to the Pin Worthy Wednesday Pinterest Board.

  28. YUM!! This looks so good..all of my favorite things! Thanks for linking up Julie!

  29. Mmm yummy. Sort of thing my husband would like. Over from Funtastic Friday.

  30. Yum!! I'm always on the lookout for new lunch recipes! Thank you for linking up to the Bloggers Brags Pinterest Party. I have pinned your post to the Bloggers Brags Pinterest Board.

  31. Looks delicious thanks for sharing with Hearth and soul blog hop. pinning

  32. I love versatile recipes like this, Julie! your Potato Frittata sounds really tasty and comforting too! Thank you for sharing it with us at the Hearth and Soul hop.

  33. This sounds really good, Julie! I don't know that I would have thought to use potato, but I'm going to try it - it's a combo I know I'll love!

  34. Ah...we're a frittata family! Thanks for linking up on Funtastic Friday. Hope to see you again soon.

  35. Thanks for sharing another great (and doable) recipe on the Art of Home-Making Mondays! :)

  36. For something a little different I have put spaghetti frittatas on the menu in the café where I work and they have been very successful. Instead of potatoes I put in a handful of cooked spaghetti, they are lovely. Popping by from foodie Friday, have a great week.

  37. This looks so good and so easy. I have never made a frittata in my life, but i think you have encouraged me. Visiting from Foodie Friday.

  38. *peers in* Did someone say "potato"? This looks so yummy!! What cheese do you like to use for this? I will have to try this... Never met a potato I didn't like!


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