Books I've Read Lately - July

July 3, 2024


Hello friends and happy July!  Wishing you all a happy 4th of July.    I am curious to see how our new puppy Lucy will act with all of the fireworks.  I will make sure to keep her quiet inside our house.  

I've had a slow month and only read one book.  I am so busy with our new dog Lucy and life.  I find it hard to find quiet time to read.  I'm happy that I at least read one book for the month.  I can't wait to see what everyone else is reading.

Tom Lake by Ann Patchett -  I put this book on hold in my Libby app from the library.  I liked this book but I didn't love it.  However, I found this love story interesting how a mother tells her daughters about her love life from the past.  I also read The Dutch House by this author.  

In the spring of 2020, Lara’s three daughters return to the family's orchard in Northern Michigan. While picking cherries, they beg their mother to tell them the story of Peter Duke, a famous actor with whom she shared both a stage and a romance years before at a theater company called Tom Lake. As Lara recalls the past, her daughters examine their own lives and relationship with their mother, and are forced to reconsider the world and everything they thought they knew.

Tom Lake is a meditation on youthful love, married love, and the lives parents have led before their children were born. Both hopeful and elegiac, it explores what it means to be happy even when the world is falling apart. As in all of her novels, Ann Patchett combines compelling narrative artistry with piercing insights into family dynamics. The result is a rich and luminous story, told with profound intelligence and emotional subtlety, that demonstrates once again why she is one of the most revered and acclaimed literary talents working today.

Have you read any good books lately?

I will share this post at the monthly book link-up party Share Your Shelf.  It's held on the first Thursday of each month.  It's run by these bloggers:

Click HERE to see the blog parties I will be linking up to.



  1. I enjoyed Tom Lake but I listened to the audio book and it was read by Meryl Streep. I had tried reading it first and liked the audio book so much better. I hope you have a wonderful 4th of July!

  2. Good morning Julie. Happy 4th. Enjoy this independence week. Hugs. Kris

  3. I started Tom Lake, but didn't finish. The Dutch House was a big winner for me though. Thanks for linking up!

  4. No reading for me lately. Kudos to you for reading. Happy 4th to you and your family.

  5. I enjoyed The Dutch House but haven't attempted Tom Lake. It sounds like a slower paced story.

  6. Haven't been reading for fun yet this summer - just gardening books, but looking forward to finding some relaxing moments. Thanks for the reviews - Happy 4th! x K

  7. We read Tom Lake for book club...I liked it because I love Our Town, so it fit. Just read The Guncle Abroad...sequel to The Guncle. Light, enjoyable poolside reading. Hope you are having a great summer. Finally typing again as I started PT for my wrist!!!

  8. Happy 4th Julie! I hope Lucy did ok with all the fireworks. We had my nephew's dog with us and she was not thrilled with the noise. I hope you are having a nice weekend!


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