Five on Friday

March 6, 2015

I am happy to be joining Amy from Love Made My Home for her Five on Friday Series. 

I'm taking five minutes of my day to share five things:

1)  I LOVE Starbucks Coffee - I love having a cup of it out or I make my own at home.

2)  I love going out in New York City and walking around, shopping, and going out to eat for lunch or dinner.

3)  I gave up desserts and sugar and this is dessert we had over the holidays.  It's hard to be good.

4)  This is beautiful yarn I won from a giveaway I entered recently.  I started knitting a neck warmer and I love the soft grey and purple color of this yarn. 

5)  I am so looking forward to the arrival of Spring.  I can't wait to not see ice and snow on the ground and cold weather.

Have a great weekend everyone and have fun with whatever makes you happy.

I will be sharing this with Amy from Love Made My Home for her Five on Friday link party that she is hosting.

Click HERE to see the great parties I will be linking up to!



  1. What a great Five on Friday, I was lucky to visit New York twice and really loved it!, can't wait to take my daughter one day.xx

  2. Lovely to learn some new fives Julie! I can't imagine my life without coffee (unfortunately) and I too am giving up sugar lately. Hurts my heart deeply when I have to say no to cookies and chocolate :)

  3. I can't wait for spring either Julie! Day light savings is this weekend, that has to be a good sign right?

  4. Great Friday Five, Julie. That yarn is beautiful and you KNOW you had me at Starbucks!!!! Have a great weekend- xo Diana

  5. I think it's supposed to be warm today here in New Mexico Julie so maybe that's a good sign that Spring is nearly here. I'm tired of the snow too. Hope Spring makes it's way to New York city soon. Have a wonderful weekend!
    xx Beca

  6. Next week our temps will rise to above 0! So go enjoy a nice hot Starbuck's while it's still cold out :) Have a great weekend Julie!

  7. I'm 4 for 5 with you (I don't knit!)!! Love the project you started with your new yarn!

  8. Love all your five things Julie, I gave up desserts too but fell off the wagon today just to have a taste of one funny thing is it didn't taste as good as I thought it would. have a great weekend. :) xx

  9. I have given up chocolate for Lent and so far I have been doing well. However My grands asked that I buy cadbury eggs...that will test my resolve!!

  10. You are doing well to not be doing sugar at all, I have cut out sweets, but all sugar is hardcore! Your giveaway yarn looks lovely doesn't it! Thank you so much for joining in. I hope that you have a great weekend! xx

  11. Well done on omitting sugar, I really couldn't do this... it is my one weakness! Have a wonderful weekend xx

  12. I can't wait for Spring also Julie! Such a beautiful time of year. NYC has so many wonderful things to do and see. I bet every day is an adventure. Kisses to Bosco! Happy Weekend!

  13. I enjoyed your five photos Julie! I need to try join this party sometime! Hope you have a great weekend. Do you have any snow in the forecast?

  14. Love your pics, Julie :-) Such pretty yarn! And, yes, I know how you feel; I'm ready for spring, too.

  15. Your new yarn is so pretty, Julie! I can't wait to see the finished item. And Starbucks....yum! I would love to have coffee with you :) Happy weekend!

  16. Love your Five Julie.
    I'm a coffee lover too and always grab one on the way to work.
    It's great to have a snapshot of New York, somewhere I would love to visit. Friends of mine went there on a cruise this year and loved it!
    I'm not eating sweet things either (if I can help it)!!!
    Enjoy your weekend
    Shane x

  17. That shot of NY makes me a little homesick.

    I'm one of those people who never quite figured out the appeal of Starbucks. I find their coffee way too strong, and don't get me started on how overpriced they are! I know now they have a 'smoother' coffee, but still...give me Dunkin any day ;).

    Enjoy your weekend Julie and stay warm! Spring will be here soon!!


  18. Oh pretty Julie, you just walked me down memory lane about walking in NYC my dear hometown! I used to love going to Little Italy for Cannollis...I'm craving one this second, lol!
    I'm homesick now.

  19. What a lovely happy five, your yarn looks beautiful and the flowers are the perfect reminder of lovely spring days.
    Ali xx

  20. Love your Five on Friday. I have never been a coffee drinker but get intoxicated by the smell of it brewing. I love to step inside a Starbucks and smell the wonderful aroma. Have a great week end.

  21. I do not drink coffee at all so I can't identify with that one. But, I love walking around NYC. What a fun city!

  22. Love all your 5 things Julie! Congrats on giving up sugar, I've cut back...little by little! Very pretty shade of purple, it's just about the same shade as our new couch! One day I would love to walk around NYC! Enjoy your day! xo Christine

  23. Lovely color of yarn! Enjoy walking around NYC. Love chai tea latte from Starbucks. love the colors popping up. Cannot giving up sweets...
    Lori from LL Farm

  24. Hi Julie, I enjoy going to Starbuck's and getting a cinnamon dolce latte or chai tea latte. Delicious! They have some really yummy goodies too! I too am looking forward to spring - I love NY but am just a tourist - do you live there? I find Manhattan fascinating. I really haven't had the opportunity to explore the other boroughs much. Have a good week, Julie!

  25. I love to walk around NYC too. There's always something to do for sure, but you can just be walking around doing nothing and that's fun too!

  26. Starbucks is my favorite too, but I usually just make it at home. Love their mochas too! :)

  27. That yarn is so pretty. You'll make something beautiful with it. I love fresh brewed's the best! My hubby grinds coffee beans for ours. Enjoy your week my friend! Sweet hugs, Diane


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