Five on Friday - Reasons to Love Fall

September 18, 2015

I'm happy to be joining Amy from Love Made My Home for her Five on Friday Series.

I am taking five minutes of my day to share five things.

I'm sharing five things I love about fall!

1)  Cooler Temperatures - After having such a hot summer here, it's such a relief to feel the cooler weather and not have to use the air conditioner every day.  I love sleeping at night with the windows open and feeling the cool breeze.

2)  Sweater Season - I love wearing my favorite sweaters and cardigans with my jeans when fall arrives.

3)  Apples - I enjoy all kinds of apple recipes, such as apple pie, apple cider, baked apples, and apple crisp.

4)  Leaves - I enjoy taking early morning walks with my dog Bosco and looking at the leaves on the trees.  I also like watching the leaves change different colors to yellow, orange, red, and brown. 

5)  Drinks - With the cooler weather comes hot drinks such as tea, pumpkin lattes, and hot chocolate.

This is just a few of the reasons I love fall.  What are yours?


Wishing you all a wonderful weekend and see you all back here on 
Monday for Cooking and Crafting with J & J.

**  I also want to say a big THANK YOU for joining and sharing your awesome projects each week at our blog party.  We enjoy having you and we hope you will link up with us each week.



Please visit Amy's Five on Friday Series at Love Made My Home.

Click HERE to see the great parties I will be linking up to!

Ways to Follow Julie's Lifestyle



  1. ooh, how do you make your apple crisps? I'm in the process of low temp drying them in the oven. this is my first time....

  2. Lovely autumnal fives. I enjoy wrapping up warm & walking through the leaves the returning home to snuggle under blankets x

  3. I totally agree with you Julie!! The trees are beginning to change color here and I am in the fall mood!

  4. I love Autumnal puddings too, especially apple crumble. My favourite Autumn pastime is sitting in front of a roaring stove toasting marshmallows.

  5. Thank you for reminding me of how beautiful this time of year can be and how cosy a sweater can feel.

  6. I love all of your five things too! I like summer, but am ready to move on to fall.

  7. Those are some of my favorite things to Julie :D

  8. Hot chocolate, sweaters and my favorite boots are on the top of my list! :) Enjoy the weekend, Julie!!

  9. Hi - I've just popped over from Amy's blog. I love Pumpkin Lattes as well and like Kim hot chocolate, sweaters and boots are also a favourite. Joan at

  10. I love all things pumpkin - and can hardly wait for Trader Joe's to get in their Pumping Spice coffee - love it. I also love quilts on the bed and snuggle in them. Window open for fresh air and having coffee out on the patio.
    Enjoy your weekend.
    Hugs to Bosco......

  11. Five very good things and very good reasons to love autumn! What more could you need to say about it! I would only add blanket snuggling, but then you would have more than 5 things! Thank you for joining Five on Friday. I hope that you have a great weekend!!! Sorry to be late visiting, we have been away and just got back today. xx

  12. Those are all really autumn things. I think I like the change of colour in the leaves best especially on a crisp sunny day. :-)

  13. All the perfect reasons to love fall! I love the baking part probable the most...keeps the house cozy warm and the baking scents are perfect for autumn!!!

  14. I'm torn between loving fall and missing summer! Five great reasons to push me over to the fall side!

  15. I so agree with all your favorite things about Fall.....Thanks so much for stopping by!

  16. You're definitely a Gal after my own heart. You pretty much hit every high point I dream on for Fall! Best season around for sure. ;)
    Happy weekend! Xo

  17. I think if I was living in a hot climate I would share your views Julie I do love all the things you have mentioned but I don't like the cooler weather, we are still waiting for Summer in my part of England, have a great weekend. :) xx

  18. Hi Julie, I love your favorites too and looking forward to enjoying fall and hopefully cooler temps soon. Have a wonderful weekend. cm

  19. I'm with you Julie, I also love the fall. But what is a pumpkin latte? Sounds delicious.

  20. Hi Julie,

    Love your list! This year, I'm blessed to be experiencing the beautiful, Ontario autumn, something I've greatly missed for the past 25 years, living on a Mediterranean island!

    Happy weekend!


  21. Fall weather is always lovely. Unfortunately in our place it's more like summer and we'll have to wait till the start of November to get little cold. Have a wonderful day!

  22. Great list of favorite fall things and they would all be on my list as well. I love fall sports and new seasons of shows I like to watch starting. I love wearing jeans and jammie pants! Hope you have an excellent week Julie!

  23. I am with you on all your five. I love the autumn and snuggling along my walks in huge jumpers (sweaters!). I did this today on my walk with Tia, totally alone and loving every moment, followed by a lovely hot cup of tea when I got home. Have a wonderful week my friend xx

  24. Oh, ditto to all of the above! Love having the windows open, especially at night. And looking forward to those wonderful apple recipes! The new crops of apples are in; so much nicer than the old, bottom of the barrel apples we've had this summer!

  25. I think apples and coloured leaves on the trees and on the ground to walk through! Which is why I love walking in the woods ... and I'll be doing that this weekend on our last camping trip this year. Have a great week Julie!

  26. I love summer, but I have to admit that those are really good reasons to love fall! :)


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